Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities encompass many creative and intellectual disciplines that explore the human experience and the world around us. From visual arts to literature, history to philosophy, theatre music, the Arts and Humanities offer a rich tapestry of knowledge and expression that can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Studying Arts and Humanities can help us develop critical thinking skills, creativity, empathy, and cultural awareness, valuable assets in today's rapidly changing and interconnected world. It can also give us a sense of meaning and purpose as we engage with the complex and challenging ideas that have shaped human civilization.

Programme Overviews

Learning Outcomes.

"Our goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to innovate and push the boundaries of technology in computer science and engineering."

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Students will also possess critical thinking skills to solve complex problems in their respective domains.

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University facilities are the physical spaces, resources, and amenities that are provided by a university to support the educational, research, recreational, and social needs of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. These facilities may vary depending on the size, location, and focus of the university, but commonly include:

Hostel Facilities


Transport Facilities




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